Janina Sarantšina is an Estonian performer who made a well-choreographed leap of faith and moved to Paris. Sarantšina has since succeeded as a dancer, model, and movement director, working with premium fashion brands, including Italian fine jewelry behemoth Bvlgari, French legend Courréges, and über-edgy South-Korean streetwear company ADERERROR.
Age, education, where You were born and where you live?
34, I was born in Tallinn, and now I live in Paris.
When and why did You become interested in dance and choreography?
My mom put me in a dance school when I was four because I had too much energy and problems with my legs.
How did you become a professional dancer?
It wasn’t really a meditated decision, more like a progression of things. I started traveling to take classes in other countries to further my progress because, back in the day, it was harder to get that in Estonia. At the same time, I was approached to do video clips and commercials and participate in creation processes and dance pieces while studying something else in university.

Why You desided to move to Paris?
That also wasn’t really planned. A friend of mine, designer Kristel Jänes, once asked me "what are you doing?", referring to the fact, that I was training on a high level and then travelling for dance jobs, but then still working some other type of jobs back in Estonia. Around the same time a got a tour audition offer from France. I was hesitant to go, but then figured out it´s time to stop halfassing it.
What made You succesfull in such a competitive field as dance?
Success is something too abstract to comprehend in the present. Everything will change in time - also the meaning of that what I see as success will change in time. But I guess the opportunities I have gotten is a combination of work and luck. It´s working for those opportunities without knowing when and if they gonna come your way. But you are not necessarily aware of that in the moment. Also you should never stop being curious and furthering your knowledge in different fields, not only in yours, in my case dance.

Describe Your first visit to Paris?
First visit to Paris was my also first audition in Paris. I was travelling to take classes in London and Amsterdam, and while in London was offered to come to Paris to audition for the music awards taking place in Cannes by French choreographer.
It was a quick trip: I auditioned, slept at the one fellow dancers' place whom I met for 15min in London, got the keys and then got back home and booked my first job in France.
What makes Paris special for You?
Paris is a big small city - if that makes sense. There is a feeling that anything is possible, The heritage, the history etc is all around you. There is always something happening.

One day in Janina's life?
Freelance career makes all the days look very different. So sometimes I can be in rehearsals all day, or on set, or on stage. Or opposite of that, taking a class and then meeting people. Or doing absolutely nothing.
What charges your creativity?
Good mental space, good expos, conversations, friends, boredom.
What is the hardest to get right while working?
I think in dance a lot of work must be done before the "real" work starts.

Differences between modeling and dancing?
If we agree on the fact, that the similarity between these two, is that you play a role, then maybe when you model its more about the exteriorisation and the final product being image and form. And when you are on stage preforming a dance piece, it´s more about internal motivation of the character and the character evolving during the performance.
Which brands have you worked for and which projects have been favourites so far?
Brands I worked with in different roles are Courreges, Dior, Lanvin, Mercedes, Bvlgari, Issey Miyake, Hermes. The list goes on. The fave ones are those that involve being one stage with friends I guess.
Who do you look up to in Your field?
There are a lot of people whose work get me inspired. With those who are my friends, you can see all of the process in the close up, the good and the bad, and that is what makes it special.
Finding your “people” when moving abroad, what is your advise? How did you find your group of friends?
The right people just happen in life. But also living in France, do learn French, that helps a lot.
Social media role in your life?
I love it as much as I hate it.

Who's opinion matters to you?
I am my own biggest critic. Sometimes too hard on myself at the wrong moment. And other Virgos, hahahaha!
Are you good at taking in criticism?
As a dancer, you grow up taking a lot of it. Luckily Eastern European / Russian parents can give you the immunity.
What are your favourite fashion pieces you own?
Lately I would say my Prada boxing boots, Hugo Kreit earrings and Acne silk dress
Weirdest/most amusing stuff about Estonia?

What You miss most about Estonia?
Friends and family, sea and forest.
Are you a practical person or more of a dreamer?
Both. And not always in harmony.
How do You keep yourself interested in what You do?
By doing it and also doing other stuff.
Ways to relax?
Bath and a movie.
Your favourite French expression?
"Finger in the nose" - "Les doigts dans le nez". (Describes something that's easy to do, or can be done without using hands. For example, "J'ai passé le test les doigts dans le nez" means "I could have passed that test with my eyes closed").
Croissant or black bread?
Black bread.
Favorite book?
Moomins. And some physics books.
Favorite film?
Tell Trickster a joke!
Jumal naeris, siis kui inimene plaane tegi.