Creativity Discovery
Editorial by Camilla Sundvor & Kristina Kuzemko

Hey, M̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ Miss DJ!

Trickster profiles a new generation of female DJs with the help of photographer Kristina Kuzemko. Listen up and take a good look. Questions by Anne Vetik, style by Camilla Sundvor.

Lene Ma Rue

Your first musical memory?

Genialistid CD, which we were listening to on the way to our country house. Me and my sister even choreographed a dance for the song “Võõras Lõhn”.

Your first public set?

Club 911 opening set 4 years ago. 

How has your musical taste evolved over time?

Faster, harder — but around 2 years ago, I found my sweet spot for bpm (beats per minute), so from there, I have stayed the same in a way.

 Your biggest success and biggest flop?

Biggest success — Halal Club events in Paljassaare warehouse. Biggest flop — my taste in men.

Describe a perfect party. 

It has an old warehouse aesthetic, industrial elements here and there, minimal colours on lights, no lasers, strobe, screens with minimal colour, and the high-energy crowd who came for the music and respects each other. Ideally, at my perfect party, people will be more on the dance floor than in the smoking room: the dance floor is full, but there is space for everyone. There should be two stages — one that's delivering known groove/experimental/trance artists, and the other that's for harder sounds. The main stage has aggressive lighting with a strobe, and the second stage is more calming for a hypnotizing effect.

Music versus personal style — do they complete each other?

It feels so. I love wearing darker colours, sexy corsets, tanker boots, oversized clothing. For me, techno is a feeling — something dark, sexy, mysterious, and comfy at the same time.

Favourite track for the Summer?

Little overused by now but for sure: La Batteria - DJ Gigola.

Helene wears dress by Kristina Oja

CT Venom

Karin wears boots and jacket by Maria Roosiaas, macramé skirt and gloves by Meeli Kombe

Your first musical memory?

I was driving to the countryside with my father on a scorching hot summer day and then it happened — I was presented with Las Ketchup - Aserje. The perfect summer track to move your hips to! 

Your first public set?

The year was 2018, and it took place at the legendary Kauplus Aasia club in Tallinn. We had been noticed on Instagram by the owner of the place, and luckily, he took a gamble with us and offered for us to create our own event — Analüüs. It was wonderful. 

How has your musical taste evolved over time?

It seems I’ve always had a love for thumpy dance music. Ever since I was little and playing dress-up games on the computer, Benny Benassi - Satisfaction or Destination Calabria was bumping in the background. I’d say I’ve grown to love even faster and harder music these days. 

Your biggest success and biggest flop?

Biggest success was building many strong relationships, especially the one I’ve built with Art of Mosh. The event, without fail, always brings together many great individuals, musicians, and artists & overall, they manage to bring out the best in me as an artist. The energy and attitude the crowd & promoters bring always fill my heart with gratefulness. 

My biggest flop was giving an overly confident interview about Tallinn’s clubbing culture when I was just 20 years old and didn't actually know much. 

Describe a perfect party.

The perfect party takes place in a rather small room with sexy, dimmed lighting, and sweat dripping down the walls. Everybody is packed close together and losing themselves on the dance floor. No phones in sight. A perfect party could also be a spontaneous little house party. 

Music versus personal style — do they complete each other?

Music and personal style can indeed complement each other. Together, they form a cohesive identity where the music and the aesthetics of one’s personal style enhance each other, allowing me to express my personality and current emotions to the fullest.

Favourite track for the summer?

INNA - Hot (Baile edit).


Your first musical memory? 

I grew up during the peak of 00's pop music, so I feel like I have always been surrounded by it. I remember watching legendary music videos on MTV: Destiny’s Child, Aaliyah, Missy Elliott, Britney Spears, Rihanna, and the Pussycat Dolls.

Your first public set?

At Tops Bar during the Femme Fatale event in 2017.

How has your musical taste evolved over time?

As a DJ, I have learned to tolerate every music genre. That's why my sets often blend different styles. I get bored easily and like to mix things up.

Your biggest success and biggest flop?

I think my biggest success is having someone to share this experience and journey within the industry — my partner in crime, CT Venom! 

My biggest flop might have to be pouring champagne all over the CDJs.

Describe a perfect party.

A Warmduscher party at the beach at sunset with 30-degree weather, or by a big pool with me and CT Venom and playing our favourite club tracks, all our friends dancing with us. It's something that needs to happen!

Music versus personal style — do they complete each other?

I love to think that they go hand in hand. Music is the soundtrack of our characters and our lives.

Favourite track for the Summer?

I think anyone can relate to it this summer — any 2000s hit or a Charli XCX remix! My favourite at the moment is DJ G2G - 365, But Now I’m Feeling Like a Nasty Partygirl Day N Nite <3.

Sandra wears skirt, belt, ceramic bra, and bolero by Meeli Kombe, boots by Maria Roosiaas


Your first musical memory?

Visiting my grandparents always meant immersing myself in their vast collection of classical music or listening to The Dandy Warhols' "Bohemian Like You" as the highlight of our family’s sauna sessions, dancing naked in the garden when the drums hit.

Your first public set?

My first public set was at a huge party organised by my classmates in the old part of "F-Hoone." Mind you, we were all 15 at the time. The event was called "Jungle Rave," and through mutual friends, the organisers never asked our age and just gave us the space for a ridiculously small rent fee. No one expected the place to be packed with underage kids, but we ended up with around 300 people.

I remember feeling so sick before playing and everything went black as I moved towards the stage. I had my computer next to the equipment with notes indicating every move in precise seconds of my set. It was also my first time ever playing on CDJs and using a Pioneer mixer. The guy in charge gave me a 20-minute masterclass before the party, showing me what each button did.

The party got raided shortly after, but since I was the "DJ," they didn’t even check my ID. Quite chaotic but lucky debut.

How has your musical taste evolved over time?

My musical taste is constantly in flux — always changing, integrating new elements, and evolving. I never know what will capture my heart next. My love for indie and rock has remained constant, and I've always had a broad appreciation for any music whatsoever. However, my journey with electronic music has been a wild ride. It started with the basics and has since ventured through Tech House, House, Electro, Techno, and beyond, adapting to the time and place. Living in Estonia, where the weather is ever-changing, I like to think, "The darker it gets, the darker her sets."

Your biggest success and biggest flop?

My biggest success could be the sets I’ve played abroad, for example, in Jasna, Poland. However, something I’ll always keep close to my heart is last year's gig at Saund. Despite all the authorities' warnings, there was this magical moment with the crowd where we collectively decided, "We don't care what they say. We're all joining Micaela on stage." So a big bunch of people stormed the stage so fiercely that even the security didn't know what to do. It's a memory I'll treasure forever — pure chaos and fun. 

As for my biggest flop, DJing at concerts either before or after the live act usually means playing to a really impatient crowd (understandably), or to the five people who actually stick around after the show. It’s a humbling experience, to say the least.

Micaela wears jacket, pants, and ceramic purse by Meeli Kombe, boots by Maria Roosiaas

Describe a perfect party.

A perfect party is when you can feel a collective consciousness in the air. I love big spaces with a curated crowd where you feel completely safe. Kind, intelligent, and slightly crazy people are my ideal companions. The sound, production, and staff should all be top-notch. DJs should be aware of their set times and play music that fits the vibe. And there's something truly magical about never-ending closing sets that keep the energy alive until the very end.

Music versus personal style — do they complete each other?

Absolutely. I love to play around with my outfits depending on the event and the vibe I want to deliver in my set. Lately, I've been putting more thought into this, as I believe fashion and music complement each other perfectly.

Favourite track for the Summer?

Luke Dean - Gotta Thing or a classic… Three 6 Mafia - Stay Fly.

Fake Versace

Viktoria wears hat, gloves, leather corset, and shorts by Meeli Kombe, boots by Maria Roosiaas

Your first musical memory?

One of my earliest musical memories is sitting on the sofa while my mom dried my hair after a bath. Prodigy's “Firestarter” looped on the MTV channel, becoming my spirit music until now. Another cherished memory is my first trip to Europe with my parents. I was 5 or 6 years old. The Matrix soundtrack was playing in my cassette player, bringing a sense of wonder and excitement.

Your first public set?

My first public set was at a self-organized event that I named «Let’s Dance.» Around 70 people showed up to support me and share the dance floor. The goal was simple: to get everyone dancing. There wasn’t a specific genre in mind, just the joy of movement and music. Locked Club played at Kauplus Asia, and after my set, people bounced to dance to their music. I'm still sad I missed them playing.

How has your musical taste developed over time?

As a DJ, my musical taste has evolved significantly. I started with house music and gradually moved towards darker, more hypnotic techno, along with acid, electro, and faster beats. Recently, I’ve found myself playing happy, summery music, almost coming full circle back to house. Occasionally, I enjoy the ambient vibes, exploring different radio shows and podcasts, searching for music and inspiration there. I may say that sometimes weird music surprises me, and minimalistic lyrics definitely buy me off.

Your biggest success and biggest flop?

The idea of success and flop, for me, it's just a second in my life. Sometimes life feels like endless success, and sometimes it feels like everything goes so wrong, and I can’t control it. Success can start as having a well-paid gig that turns out boring and becomes a flop after all. Success can be finding a track I’d been searching for weeks from a podcast and then never mixing it into the set.

Success could be the ability to wake up a dead dance floor, or keep people 2 hours longer at a party (during prime time, not the after-party). I'm sorry for the club employees who have to stay longer at the club!

Describe a perfect party.

I’m a girl of Panorama Bar party style, where the atmosphere is happy and free. People jump around me with bare asses and cute costumes or just casual outfits. The DJ plays tunes, and I Shazam almost everything. The vocals are pleasing. The dance floor is packed, yet feels comfortable and cozy. The best touch would be an outdoor setting with sunlight streaming down.

Music versus personal style — do they complete each other?

My music and personal style are deeply intertwined, both often featuring an element of darkness. I love sexy undertones, pointy shoes, and leather coats. The music I choose can be aggressive, mirroring the cold, raver vibe of my outfits. My clothing and the interiors I create around myself are constantly evolving, a blend of chaos and clean lines, just like my preference for sensual summer house beats mixed with rough rhythms.

Favourite track for the Summer?

It’s hard to choose only one. Maybe By Man/ipulate - “Eternity” (Alex Kassian’s “Ode to the Sun” mix). I'd say there's different tunes for different situations.


Photography by Kristina Kuzemko
Creative Direction & Styled by Camilla Sundvor
Talent Helene Marie Rägo, Karin Nahkur, Sandra Mäesepp, Micaela Saraceno and Viktoria Martjanova
Designers Meeli Kombe, Maria Roosiaas and Kristina Oja