Interview by Anne Vetik

Age, education, occupation

32, Spatial Design MA, Estonian Academy of Arts (& Royal Danish Academy of Arts) Co-Founder of Myceen.

Hows life at the moment?

Intense. Just got back from Habitare design fair, and we’ve been busy raising our investment round through out the summer + working on an exiting project opening in October.

When and why did you start experimenting with mycellium in design?

Over 7 years ago. I think there wasn’t a clear why to it rather that environment at our studio in EKA that supported exploration. At that time I was also a bit tired of the usual interior architectural field. I was trying different mediums and looking into other ways how to approach space and materiality.

How long does it take to grow one chair?

From the moment you put the material into the mold it takes around two weeks for the final product to develop.

Operating as a start-up in the design industry, how has it been, and what have you learned?

"Everything" would be the short answer. I didn’t have a clue what I had signed up for when we founded Myceen. It’s been a proper school. Every day, you need to learn how to do something, that you have never done before. It’s a challenging but also the most interesting job simultaneously. 

What makes a good designer?

Sensitivity and intuition.  

Is it easy for you to share your work and network? How to be successful at networking and explaining your product?

In our case, Myceen’s products are still bizarre enough that they help to kickstart a conversation before you make an effort. In that sense it has been easy. 

Have you ever wanted to do something else? What exactly?

I’d like to have a band.

Design education: why is it important (or not?) to learn in an academic institution?

Both ways are possible. I know people who don’t have an academic training but are excellent at what they're doing. In that case you probably need to be more talented or just need to have way more willpower. Classic education gives one a structured understanding of something + plants you into a scene with your contemporaries. For me experiencing different schools and approaches was an eye-opener. As with everyhting its important to keep an open mind.

What is your favorite pastime?

I tend to make something or learn a new skill. For example I made a large carpet for my living room. Also going to places where I’ve never been before always feels good. And I’d like to do my IDA Radio shows more often.

Dogs, cats or dragons?

Cat sized dragon.

Your secret superpower?

Can’t tell - otherwise it won’t be a secret superpower anymore.

What kind of music do you listen to when you work? 

Depends on the work. If I need to focus, or hype myself. It’s a bit similar to food. You got to keep your diet versatile but I don’t want to start my day with something too spicy.  

What do you like about current design trends, and what do you not like at all?

I don’t like when something is done just for a quick attention grab. Cheap effect or trick without anything else to it. Even worse, if this is then coupled up with some empty (marketing) text that tries to provide some meaning. I like when the material has found its right form.

Describe your process.

I have diferent pieces that I update and come back to when I need to calibrate myself before starting something new. It can be text, images or drawings and they often may start to make sense sometime later. These are then combined with some new findings or ideas.

If you were a plant, what kind of plant would you be?

Maybe an orchid.

Are you good at taking critique?

Critique and feedback are the best ways to improve something. Of course depending on the quality of the critique.

Who would you like to collaborate with if you could work with any famous creative, dead or living?

H.R. Giger’s biomechanical approach would be fun to work with. 

What do you like about living in Estonia?


Designers in whos work you are interested?

My friends.

What would be your plan in case of a zombie apocalypse? Zombies are like the ones in 28 Days Later.

First I will get some cool apocalypse gear. Then will check which of my friends are zombies and who are still human.